About Us

U.P.R.V.P Abhiyanta sahayata Yojna is a society registered under societies registration act 1860 and U.P. Societies registration rules 1975, has rendered Forty Eight years of continuous service in the welfare of engineer officers.

This is just not a history only but a proven fact that U.P.R.V.P. Abhiyanta Sahayata Yojna made the humble beginning on 23rd May, 1969 with sole objective of helping out the families of deceased engineer officers. Continuous efforts of volunteered engineer officers,office bearers of Sahayata Yojana/Abhiyanta sangh during these years has provided consolidation to this scheme and now yojna has attained stability and reached new height towards service and welfare of engineers community.

In the beginning the benevolent amount was rs. 5,000.00(Member fee :Rs.100.00) which was subsequently enhanced to Rs.10,000.00(Memb. fee:Rs.200.00) in 1976 and thereafter Rs.22,000.00(Memb.fee Rs.500.00) in 1981 to Rs.100 lac(Memb. fee Rs.3,500.00) in 01.02.1991 and now to Rs. 10.00 lac (member fee Rs. 30,000/-) since 15.08.2017.

When this scheme was envisaged, a target membership of 3000 was visualized for ensuring financial stability to the Yojna, but despite of best efforts only 2680 nos could be made life member of yojna .We earnestly request all the brother engineers to become the member of our above Yojna at the earliest.

"Let us join our hands and dedicate ourselves in achieving the target of centpercent membership in order to the true sprit and high standard services in the welfare of community according to imaginations/expectations held by our predecessors at the time of inception of this scheme."

O.P. Singh

Vikram Singh
Vice President

B.K. Saxena
Sr.Vice President

Chandra Mohan